61 How To Remove a CheckPoint That Has No Delete Option in HyperV Manager

HyperV Virtual Machine that shows only SETTINGS, EXPORT, RENAME and HELP on a CHECKPOINT that you want to delete, don’t panic.  If your HyperV manager does not show DELETE as an option for a Checkpoint:

  1. Click REFRESH from the actions pane.  Then right click on the Checkpoint and if DELETE is still not an option;
  2. Close and re-open the HyperV Manager.  Then right click on the Checkpoint and if DELETE is still not an option;
  3. Click on the Checkpoint and press the DELETE key on your keyboard. Then right click on the Checkpoint and if DELETE is still not an option;
  4. Connect to the HyperV host using HyperV manager installed on a different computer
  5. Restart the HyperV host
  6. Use command line via PowerShell elevated as to run with admin privileges:  Get-VM <VM-NAME> | Remove-VMSnapshot  See THIS Microsoft article for more details