57 How to mute alert of multiple systems in Solarwinds for certain time duration?

In the below PowerShell script:-

  1. Please change the path where this script you are going to save.
  2. Name the script as “Set-Mulitple_System_Mute_In_Solarwinds.PS1″.
  3. Create one text file “ComputerList.txt”.
  4. In this text file, save the computer name (under ComputerList.txt) one per row.
  5. The output will be displayed on the PowerShell screen.
  6. When you will run the script it will ask for the minutes to mute the list of computers.


  1. Only change the path that is highlighted below in bold with your folder path.
  2. Don’t add blank/null value or extra spacing while adding the computer names into the text file.
In case of any hurdle, please Contact Us
#  Variables

# Since the AD Site Name is stored as the "Location" for WMI and Agent Managed Windows Servers in Orion, we can just do a filter on that.
$Comps = Get-Content "C:\Temp\ComputerList.txt"

# Suppress alerts for how much time?
$MuteMinutes = Read-Host 'Enter the time in minutes for which node/s needs to be muted? (E.g. 10)'

#  Orion Stuff!

if ( -not ( Get-Module -Name SwisPowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) )
        Import-Module -Name SwisPowerShell -Verbose
        Write-Error -Message "'SwisPowerShell' module is unavailable.  Please install it with 'Install-Module -Name 'SwisPowerShell'"

if ( -not ( $SwisCreds ) )
    $SwisCreds = Get-Credential -Message "Enter your Orion Credentials:"

$SwisHost = "solarwinds"

$SwisConnection = Connect-Swis -Hostname $SwisHost -Credential $SwisCreds

# Query Details:
# 1) Location matches above variable
# 2) Vendor is Windows
# 3) Monitoring Type is Agent or WMI (Haven't tested it for SNMP, but pretty sure it uses the 'sysLocation' field)
$sqlC = '';
foreach($c in $comps) {$sqlC += "'$c',"}

$sqlC= $sqlC.TrimEnd(",")

$Nodes = Get-SwisData -SwisConnection $SwisConnection -Query @"
SELECT Caption, IP_Address, Uri AS [EntityUri]
FROM Orion.Nodes
WHERE SysName in ($sqlC)
  AND Vendor = 'Windows'
  AND ObjectSubType IN ( 'Agent', 'WMI' )
ORDER BY Caption

ForEach ( $Node in $Nodes )
    # Let's cycle through each and see if it's already set to be muted
    $IsMuted = Get-SwisData -SwisConnection $SwisConnection -Query @"
SELECT EntityUri, SuppressFrom, SuppressUntil
FROM Orion.AlertSuppression
WHERE EntityUri = '$( $Node.EntityUri )'
    if ( $IsMuted )
        Write-Host "$( $Node.Caption ) ($( $Node.IP_Address )) is in muted state!" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        Write-Host "$( $Node.Caption ) ($( $Node.IP_Address )) is NOT  muted!" -ForegroundColor Green
            Write-Host "`Muting $( $Node.Caption ), rerun to check status" -ForegroundColor Green
            $Results = Invoke-SwisVerb -SwisConnection $SwisConnection -EntityName Orion.AlertSuppression -Verb SuppressAlerts -Arguments @( @( $Node.EntityUri ), ( Get-Date ).ToUniversalTime(),  ( ( Get-Date ).AddMinutes($MuteMinutes) ).ToUniversalTime() )
            Write-Host "Something went wrong" -ForegroundColor Red