30 How to disable a AD user, update notes and delete all’MemberOf” list?

In the below PowerShell script:-

  1. Name and save the script as “Set-ADAccountDisableNDelGrps.PS1”.
  2. Run the script from the PowerShell console and provide the inputs as per the prompt.
  3. The output will be displayed within PowerShell console as default.
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Import-Module ActiveDirectory 
$domain1 = Read-Host 'Enter the domain name (E.g. InfotechFusion)'
$domain2 = Read-Host 'Enter the after dot info (E.g. com)'
$ou =  Read-Host 'Enter the OU in which disabled user needs to move (E.g. Users - Disabled)'
      $usr=Read-Host 'Enter Username'
       $task= Read-Host "Enter the ServiceNow Task ID with notes [TASK0xx00xx (Disabled)]"
         $info = Get-ADUser $usr -Properties info | %{ $_.info}  
         $user=get-aduser $usr
      Disable-ADAccount $user.samaccountname
      Set-ADUser $usr -Replace @{info="$($info) $task"} 
      Move-ADObject -Identity $dn -TargetPath "Ou=$ou,DC=$domain1,DC=$domain2" 

Write-Progress -Activity "Wait for less than 11 Seconds to see the status of" -Status "$usr" -PercentComplete 50

    Start-Sleep -Seconds 10.5

Import-Module ActiveDirectory 
    Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity $usr |select @{Name="Was Member Of"; Expression = {($_.name)}} 
        Get-ADUser -Identity $usr -Properties DisplayName, name, AccountExpirationDate, info, CanonicalName |

Select-Object -Property @{Name="Please find the information of"; Expression = {($_.Name)} }, 
@{Name="Full Name"; Expression = {($_.DisplayName)}}, 
 @{Name="Username"; Expression = {($_.SamAccountName)}},
  @{Name="AccountEnabled"; Expression = {($_.Enabled)}}, 
 @{Name="Current-OU"; Expression = {($_.CanonicalName)}}, 
 @{Name="Notes"; Expression = {($_.Info)}}  |

#This will remove the membership list of the ADUser.
Import-Module ActiveDirectory 
Get-ADUser -Identity $usr -Properties MemberOf | ForEach-Object {
  $_.MemberOf | Remove-ADGroupMember -Members $_.DistinguishedName -Confirm:$false
Write-Host 'Groups Membership are removed from' $usr 'and updated notes as' $task -ForegroundColor Green